Lexing and Parsing

Plan for this week

Last week:

  • How do we evaluate a program given its AST?
eval :: Env -> Expr -> Value

This week:

  • How do we convert program text into an AST?
parse :: String -> Expr

Example: calculator with variables

AST representation:

data Aexpr 
  = AConst  Int
  | AVar    Id
  | APlus   Aexpr Aexpr
  | AMinus  Aexpr Aexpr
  | AMul    Aexpr Aexpr


eval :: Env -> Aexpr -> Value

Using the evaluator:

λ> eval [] (APlus (AConst 2) (AConst 6))

λ> eval [("x", 16), ("y", 10)] (AMinus (AVar "x") (AVar "y"))

λ> eval [("x", 16), ("y", 10)] (AMinus (AVar "x") (AVar "z"))
*** Exception: Error {errMsg = "Unbound variable z"}

But writing ASTs explicitly is really tedious, we are used to writing programs as text!

We want to write a function that converts strings to ASTs if possible:

parse :: String -> Aexpr

For example:

λ> parse "2 + 6"
APlus (AConst 2) (AConst 6)

λ> parse "(x - y) * 2"
AMul (AMinus (AVar "x") (AVar "y")) (AConst 2)

λ> parse "2 +"
*** Exception: Error {errMsg = "Syntax error"}


How do I read a sentence “He ate a bagel”?

  • First split into words: ["He", "ate", "a", "bagel"]
  • Then relate words to each other: “He” is the subject, “ate” is the verb, etc

Let’s do the same thing to “read” programs!

Step 1 (Lexing) : From String to Tokens

A string is a list of characters:


First we aggregate characters that “belong together” into tokens (i.e. the “words” of the program):


We distinguish tokens of different kinds based on their format:

  • all numbers: integer constant
  • alphanumeric, starts with a letter: identifier
  • +: plus operator
  • etc

Step 2 (Parsing) : From Tokens to AST

Next, we convert a sequence of tokens into an AST

  • This is hard…
  • … but the hard parts do not depend on the language!

Parser generators

  • Given the description of the token format generates a lexer
  • Given the description of the grammar generates a parser

We will be using parser generators, so we only care about how to describe the token format and the grammar


We will use the tool called alex to generate the lexer

Input to alex: a .x file that describes the token format


First we list the kinds of tokens we have in the language:

data Token
  = NUM    AlexPosn Int
  | ID     AlexPosn String
  | PLUS   AlexPosn
  | MINUS  AlexPosn
  | MUL    AlexPosn
  | DIV    AlexPosn
  | LPAREN AlexPosn
  | RPAREN AlexPosn
  | EOF    AlexPosn

Token rules

Next we describe the format of each kind of token using a rule:

-- Regex:                       Function: AlexPosn -> String -> Token
  \+                            { \p _ -> PLUS   p }
  \-                            { \p _ -> MINUS  p }
  \*                            { \p _ -> MUL    p }
  \/                            { \p _ -> DIV    p }
  \(                            { \p _ -> LPAREN p }
  \)                            { \p _ -> RPAREN p }
  $alpha [$alpha $digit \_ \']* { \p s -> ID     p s }
  $digit+                       { \p s -> NUM p (read s) }

Each line consist of:

  • a regular expression that describes which strings should be recognized as this token
  • a Haskell expression that generates the token

You read it as:

  • if at position p in the input string
  • you encounter a substring s that matches the regular expression
  • evaluate the Haskell expression with arguments p and s

Regular Expressions

A regular expression has one of the following forms:

  • [c1 c2 ... cn] matches any of the characters c1 .. cn

    • [0-9] matches any digit
    • [a-z] matches any lower-case letter
    • [A-Z] matches any upper-case letter
    • [a-z A-Z] matches any letter
    • [a-z A-Z 0-9] matches any alpha-numeric character
  • R1 R2 matches a string s1 ++ s2 where s1 matches R1 and s2 matches R2

    • e.g. [0-9] [0-9] matches any two-digit string
  • R+ matches one or more repetitions of what R matches

    • e.g. [0-9]+ matches a natural number
  • R* matches zero or more repetitions of what R matches


Write a regular expression for identifiers, which

  • must have only alphanumeric characters
  • must start with a letter
  • cannot be empty

Answer: [a-z A-Z] [a-z A-Z 0-9]*

Back to token rules

We can name some common regexps like:

$digit = [0-9]
$alpha = [a-z A-Z]

and write [a-z A-Z] [a-z A-Z 0-9]* as $alpha [$alpha $digit]*

  \+                            { \p _ -> PLUS   p }
  \-                            { \p _ -> MINUS  p }
  \*                            { \p _ -> MUL    p }
  \/                            { \p _ -> DIV    p }
  \(                            { \p _ -> LPAREN p }
  \)                            { \p _ -> RPAREN p }
  $alpha [$alpha $digit \_ \']* { \p s -> ID     p s }
  $digit+                       { \p s -> NUM p (read s) }
  • When you encounter a +, generate a PLUS token
  • When you encounter a nonempty string of digits, convert it into an integer and generate a NUM
  • When you encounter an alphanumeric string that starts with a letter, save it in an `ID token

Running the Lexer

From the token rules, alex generates a function alexScan which

  • given an input string, find the longest prefix p that matches one of the rules
  • if p is empty, it fails
  • otherwise, it converts p into a token and returns the rest of the string

We wrap this function into a handy function

parseTokens :: String -> Either ErrMsg [Token]

which repeatedly calls alexScan until it consumes the whole input string or fails

We can test the function like so:

λ> parseTokens "23 + 4"
Right [ NUM (AlexPosn 0 1 1) 23
      , PLUS (AlexPosn 3 1 4)
      , NUM (AlexPosn 5 1 6) 4


What is the result of parseTokens "x+" (positions omitted for readability)?

(A) Lexical error

(B) Some other error

(C) [ID "x+"]

(D) [ID "x", PLUS]

Answer: D

Give an example of a string that would result in lexical error

λ> parseTokens "%"
Left "lexical error at 1 line, 1 column"


We will use the tool called happy to generate the parser

Input to happy: a .y file that describes the grammar

Wait, wasn’t this the grammar?

-- Abstract Syntax Tree for expressions
data Aexpr 
  = AConst  Int
  | AVar    Id
  | APlus   Aexpr Aexpr
  | AMinus  Aexpr Aexpr
  | AMul    Aexpr Aexpr

This was abstract syntax

Now we need to describe concrete syntax

  • What programs look like when written as text
  • and how to map that text into the abstract syntax

Context-Free Grammars

A context-free grammar (CFG) is a recursive definition of a set of parse trees

A grammar is made of:

  • Terminals: the leaves of the tree (tokens!)

  • Nonterminals: the internal nodes of the tree

  • Production Rules that describe how to “produce” a non-terminal from terminals and other non-terminals

    • i.e. what children each nonterminal can have:
Aexpr :      -- Non-term Aexpr can be either:
  | TNUM             -- Term of format "number", or
  | ID               -- Term of format "identifier", or
  | '(' Aexpr ')'    -- Term '(', non-term Aexpr, term ')'
  | Aexpr '*' Aexpr  -- Non-term Aexpr, term '*', non-term Aexpr
  | Aexpr '+' Aexpr  -- Non-term Aexpr, term '+', non-term Aexpr
  | Aexpr '-' Aexpr  -- Non-term Aexpr, term '-', non-term Aexpr

Parse a string s = find a parse tree from the grammar, whose leaves spell out s

  • here “string” means “list of tokens” (output of the lexer)

Example: Here is a parse tree for the string (x + 2):

      /   |   \      
   '('    |    ')'
     /    |    \
  Aexpr  '+'  Aexpr
    |           |
 'x' (ID)   '2' (TNUM)


Which string cannot be parsed as Aexpr?

Aexpr : TNUM
      | ID
      | '(' Aexpr ')'
      | Aexpr '*' Aexpr
      | Aexpr '+' Aexpr
      | Aexpr '-' Aexpr

(A) x

(B) x 5

(C) (x +) 5

(D) x + 5 + 1

(E) B and C

Answer: E

Attribute Grammars

So far: grammar tells us whether a string is syntactically correct or not

We want more: convert a string into an AST

parse :: String -> AExpr

An attribute grammar associates a value with each node in the parse tree

  • each production is annotated with a rule
  • a rule computes the value of a non-terminal from the values of its children
  • here value = AST (i.e. Haskell value of type AExpr)

Attribute grammar for arithmetic expressions:

--      Format                    Value
Aexpr : TNUM                    { AConst $1    }
      | ID                      { AVar   $1    }
      | '(' Aexpr ')'           { $2           }
      | Aexpr '*' Aexpr         { AMul   $1 $3 }
      | Aexpr '+' Aexpr         { APlus  $1 $3 } 
      | Aexpr '-' Aexpr         { AMinus $1 $3 }
  • $1 refers to the value of the first child
  • $2 refers to the value of the second child

Example: Computing the value (AST) of (x + 2):

                     Aexpr  ===> APlus (AVar "x") (AConst 2)
                    /  |  \   
                 '('   |  ')'
                     Aexpr  ===> APlus (AVar "x") (AConst 2)
                    /  |  \
AVar "x" <===  Aexpr  '+'  Aexpr  ===> AConst 2
                 |           |
             'x' (ID)   '2' (TNUM)

How do we compute the value of a terminal?

  • How do we map terminal 'x' to string "x"?

  • How do we map terminal '2' to integer 2?


Terminals correspond to the tokens returned by the lexer

In the .y file, we have to declare which terminals in the rules correspond to which tokens from the Token datatype:

-- Terminals:   Tokens from lexer:
    TNUM        { NUM _ $$ }
    ID          { ID _ $$  }
    '+'         { PLUS _   }
    '-'         { MINUS _  }
    '*'         { MUL _    }
    '/'         { DIV _    }
    '('         { LPAREN _ }
    ')'         { RPAREN _ }
  • Each thing on the left is terminal (as appears in the production rules)

  • Each thing on the right is a Haskell pattern for datatype Token

  • We use $$ to designate one parameter of a token constructor as the value of that token

    • we will refer back to it from the production rules


What is the value of the root AExpr node when parsing 1 + 2 + 3?

Aexpr : TNUM                    { AConst $1    }
      | ID                      { AVar   $1    }
      | '(' Aexpr ')'           { $2           }
      | Aexpr '*' Aexpr         { AMul   $1 $3 }
      | Aexpr '+' Aexpr         { APlus  $1 $3 } 
      | Aexpr '-' Aexpr         { AMinus $1 $3 }

(A) Cannot be parsed as AExpr

(B) 6

(C) APlus (APlus (AConst 1) (AConst 2)) (AConst 3)

(D) APlus (AConst 1) (APlus (AConst 2) (AConst 3))

Answer: Could be C or D

Running the Parser

First, we should tell the parser that the top-level non-terminal is AExpr:

%name aexpr

From the production rules and this line, happy generates a function aexpr that tries to parse a sequence of tokens as AExpr

We package this function together with the lexer and the evaluator into a handy function

evalString :: Env -> String -> Int

We can test the function like so:

λ> evalString [] "1 + 3 + 6"

λ> evalString [("x", 100), ("y", 20)] "x - y"

λ> evalString [] "2 * 5 + 5"

λ> evalString [] "2 - 1 - 1"


λ> evalString [] "2 * 5 + 5"

The problem is that our grammar is ambiguous!

There are multiple ways of parsing the string 2 * 5 + 5, namely

--         Good:                    Bad:

           Aexpr                   Aexpr
          /  |  \                 /  |  \
     Aexpr  '+'  Aexpr       Aexpr  '*'   Aexpr
    /  |  \        |           |         /  |  \
Aexpr '*' Aexpr   '5'         '2'    Aexpr '+' Aexpr
 |          |                          |         |
'2'        '5'                        '5'       '5'

Wanted: tell happy that * has higher precedence than +!

Solution 1: Grammar factoring

We can split the AExpr non-terminal into multiple “levels”

Aexpr : Aexpr '+' Aexpr
      | Aexpr '-' Aexpr
      | Factor

Factor : Factor '*' Factor
       | Factor '/' Factor
       | TNUM
       | ID
       | '(' Aexpr ')'


  • Only a Factor can be multiplied / divided
  • Any Factor can be promoted to an AExpr
  • But to turn an AExpr into a Factor, we need parentheses

Now the only way to parse 2 * 5 + 5 is:

--           Good:

          /    |    \
       Aexpr  '+'   Aexpr
         |            |
       Factor       Factor
    /    |    \       |
Factor  '*'  Factor  '5'
  |            |    
 '2'          '5'

If we start parsing the wrong way, we get:

--     Bad???

    /    |    \
Factor  '*'  Factor
  |            | 
 '2'   -- cannot parse "5 + 5" as Factor!


λ> evalString [] "2 - 1 - 1"

With our original grammar, there are multiple ways of parsing 2 - 1 - 1, namely

--         Good:                    Bad:

           Aexpr                   Aexpr
          /  |  \                 /  |  \
     Aexpr  '-'  Aexpr       Aexpr  '-'   Aexpr
    /  |  \        |           |         /  |  \
Aexpr '-' Aexpr   '1'         '2'    Aexpr '-' Aexpr
 |          |                          |         |
'2'        '1'                        '1'       '1'

Wanted: tell happy that - is left-associative!


Can our new grammar still parse 2 - 1 - 1 the wrong way?

Aexpr : Aexpr '+' Aexpr
      | Aexpr '-' Aexpr
      | Factor

Factor : Factor '*' Factor
       | Factor '/' Factor
       | TNUM
       | ID
       | '(' Aexpr ')'

(A) Yes

(B) No

Answer: A

There are still multiple ways of parsing 2 - 1 - 1, namely

--         Good:                    Bad:

           Aexpr                   Aexpr
          /  |  \                 /  |  \
     Aexpr  '-'  Aexpr       Aexpr  '-'   Aexpr
    /  |  \        |           |         /  |  \
Aexpr '-' Aexpr  Factor      Factor   Aexpr '-' Aexpr
  |         |      |           |        |         |
Factor    Factor  '1'         '2'   Factor    Factor
  |         |                           |         |
 '2'       '1'                         '1'       '1'

How do we fix this?

Hint: how do we disallow the RHS of a minus to be a minus?

More grammar factoring!

Aexpr : Aexpr '+' Factor
      | Aexpr '-' Factor
      | Factor

Factor : Factor '*' Atom
       | Factor '/' Atom
       | Atom

Atom : TNUM
       | ID
       | '(' Aexpr ')'

--         Good: 

          /  |  \ 
     Aexpr  '-'  Factor
    /  |  \        |
Aexpr '-' Factor  Atom
  |         |      |
Factor    Atom    '1'
  |         |     
Atom       '1'    

--      Bad???

       /  |  \
  Aexpr  '-'   Factor
    |       -- cannot parse "1 - 1" as Factor!     

Solution 2: Parser directives

This problem is so common that parser generators have a special syntax for it!

%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'

What this means:

  • All our operators are left-associative
  • Operators on the lower line have higher precedence

That’s all folks!