Type Soundness and Termination in One Easy Lemma



e ::= n        -- numeral
    | x        -- variable
    | e1 + e2  -- addition
    | \x -> e  -- abstraction
    | e1 e2    -- application        


v ::= n         -- numeral
    | <E, x, e> -- closure


E ::= []        -- empty
    | x := v, E -- value binding and rest


T ::= Int       -- integers
    | T1 -> T2  -- function types


G ::= []      -- empty
    | x:T, G  -- type binding and rest

Operational Semantics

We define the evaluation relation E ; e ==> v as follows:

[E-Num] -------------
        E ; n  ==>  n
[E-Var] --------------------
        (x:=v,E) ; x  ==>  v

          E ; e1 ==> n1   E ; e2 ==> n2   n == n1 + n2
[E-Add]   --------------------------------------------
                      E ; (e1 + e2) ==> n

[E-Lam]   ---------------------------
          E ; (\x -> e) ==> <E, x, e>
        E ; e1 ==> <E', x, e>   E ; e2 ==> v2   (x:=v2,E') ; e ==> v
[E-App] ---------------------------------------------------------------
                               E ; (e1 e2) ==> v

Static Semantics

Now we want to define the typing relation G |- e :: T as follows:

[T-Num]  G |- n :: Int

[T-Var] x:T, G |- x :: T

         G |- e1 :: Int   G |- e2 :: Int
[T-Add]  -------------------------------
               G |- e1 + e2 :: Int

          x:T1, G |- e :: T2
[T-Lam] ------------------------
        G |- \x -> e :: T1 -> T2
        G |- e1 :: T1 -> T2   G |- e2 :: T1
[T-App] -----------------------------------
                 G |- e1 e2 :: T2

Well-Behaved Values

To prove our lemma, we will need two auxiliary relations: v :: T (value v is well-behaved at type T) and E :: G (environment E is well-behaved in context G), defined as follows:

[V-Num] --------
        n :: Int

               forall v1 :: T1 .  
         (x:=v1,E) ; e ==> v2   v2 :: T2
[V-Clos] -------------------------------
             <E, x, e> :: T1 -> T2

[E-Nil] --------
        [] :: []
           v :: T   E :: G
[E-Bnd] ---------------------
        (x:=v, E) :: (x:T, G)       

Intuitively, a value is well-behaved at T if it’s well-typed, and also terminates on all appropriate well-behaved arguments (if it’s a closure). An environment is well-behaved if all its values are well-behaved.


Our main lemma says that well-typed programs in well-behaved environments always evaluate to well-behaved values.

Lemma: For any e, T, E, G:

  1. G |- e :: T
  2. E :: G

then there exists a value v such that

  1. E ; e ==> v
  2. v :: T.

Proof: Is by induction on the derivation of G |- e :: T

Case G |- n :: Int:

By E-Num we have E ; n ==> n (A) and by V-Num we have n :: Int (B).

Case G |- x :: T:

From T-Var we know that G = (x:T,...). Hence, from (2) and E-Bnd we have E = (x:=v, ...) and v :: T. Hence we get: (A) E ; x ==> v by E-Var and (B) v :: T.

Case G |- e1 + e2 :: Int:

By T-Addwe get (3) G |- e1 :: Int and (4) G |- e2 :: Int. By IH from (3) we get (5) E ; e1 ==> v1 and v1 :: Int, hence by V-Num, v1 is some numeral n1. Similarly from (4) we get (6) E ; e2 ==> n2. With n = n1 + n2, we get (A) E ; (e1 + e2) ==> n by E-Add, and (B) n ::: Int by V-Num.

Case G |- \x -> e :: T1 -> T2:

By T-Lam, we get (3) x:T1, G |- e :: T2. Now pick an arbitrary v1 such that v1 :: T1. Then x:=v1,E :: x:T1,G by E-Bnd and (2). Hence using IH on (3), we get (4) (x:=v1,E) ; e ==> v2 and v2 :: T2. With v = <E,x,e> we get (A) E ; \x -> e ==> v and (B) v :: T1 -> T2 by V-Clos and (4).

Case G |- e1 e2 :: T:

By T-App we get (3) G |- e1 :: T' -> T and (4) G |- e2 :: T'. By IH from (4) we get (5) E ; e2 ==> v2 and (6) v2 :: T'. By IH from (3) we get (7) E ; e1 ==> v1 and (8) v1 :: T' -> T, hence by V-Clos: v1 is a closure <E',x,e> and moreover given (6), we also have (9) (x:=v2,E) ; e ==> v and (10) v :: T. By E-App from (7), (5), (9) we have (A) E ; (e1 e2) ==> v and (B) follows by (10).


Well-Typed Programs Always Succeed

Theorem (Well-Typed Programs Always Succeed): For any program e and type T, if [] |- e :: T, then there exists value v such that [] ; e ==> v.

Proof: Because [] :: [] by E-Nil, we can invoke Lemma with G = [], E = [] to get v such that [] ; e ==> v.